Singapore Personal Loan

Saving Difficult Situation.
We provide Financial Assistance to your needs.
legal personal loan in singapore

We understand all your frustrations associated with obtaining a legal personal loan in Singapore. Slow processing of loans, high interest rates – the difficulties are endless. That is why we make our personal loan process simpler and easier for you. All you need to do is submit an application to us. Our experts will process it quickly and get back to you within a short period of time.

One of the best aspects about our personal loans are that you can access them whatever financial need you may have. If you seek to purchase an asset, pay your debt or even establish your business, you may request for personal loans from us. We assure you that you will get the best interest rates from us and flexible repayment options.

At Sands Credit, we are one of the most dependable and trust-worthy moneylenders offering personal loans in Singapore.

Cash Loan in Singapore

With our cash loans, you will be able to sail through your financial difficulties and be able to repay your debts on time. At Sands Credit, we have a system of transparency and flexibility and you will have a most pleasant time working with our friendly professionals. We take each and every application seriously and work with clients before deciding on a loan amount and repayment terms. With your on-time repayment of loans, your trust-rating increases with us; thus we allow you a greater flexibility on future loans.

When unplanned expenses come up and you haven’t saved enough for these rainy days, applying forlegal personal loan in Singaporewould be the next best option available.Singapore personal loanis one of the easiest and convenient loans to apply for should you require immediate and urgent cash. Sands Credit ranks amongst the most trusted and sought after money lending company that provides fast and feasiblecash loan in Singapore.Whatever the situation, be it a vehicle breakdown, medical bills, a vacation trip of small purchases, we have the solution to solve all your monetary issues.

Legal Personal Loan

Our professional services and experienced staff are here to provide solutions to your needs to lessen the burden off your shoulders. We are also known to provide the most flexibleeducation loan Singaporehas. We believe in being able to work out a monetary solution for you after discussing and listening attentively to all your request and needs. Your application and consultation with us with remain strictly and highly confidential as we place great emphasis in protecting the privacy of our clients.

The eligibility of our clients include being full time employed, above the age of 21 years and below 65 years and must be a Singaporean or permanent resident in Singapore. However we regret to inform that bankruptcy are not eligible for application. The documents required for our loan application are as followed; you will need your NRIC, latest original payslip, CPF statements, income tax statements and original PUB bill or telephone bill stating your residential address. Your loan application will then be looked into and subjected to approval. We look forward and work to offering a solution for everyone and every need.

* Strictly Private & Confidential


Full time employment.
Age above 21 years old and below 65 years old.
You must be a Singaporean or Permanent Resident

* Bankruptcy Do Not Apply

Documents require for Loan Application:
2)Latest Original Payslip
3)CPF statements
4)Income tax Statements

5)Original PUB Bill or Handphone Bill stating your residential address

* Subject To Approval.

Call Us Today! @ 6225 0268

Block 513 Bishan Street 13 #01-514 Singapore 570513. Tel: +65 6225 0268

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